Writing code to connect two processes can involve a lot of boilerplate. Every time you add a new service or message type, you find yourself repeating the same steps. Obvs takes care of this for you, and allows you to start connecting your services with very little code required, so you get more done.
- Leverage the power of messaging and RX to quickly construct a system of decoupled microservices
- Add new services and message contracts with an absolute minimum amount of required code
- Simple RX based interfaces for doing pub/sub
- Convention based messaging over topics/queues per service
- Multiplexing of multiple message types over single topics/queues
- Dynamic creation of deserializers per type
- Asynchronous error handling on a separate channel
- Easy to extend and customise, allowing integration with external systems
- Fluent code based configuration
- Supports ActiveMQ, RabbitMQ, NetMQ, Kafka, Azure ServiceBus, and EventStore transports
- Provides serialization for XML, JSON.Net, NetJson, ProtoBuf, and MsgPack
- Provides logging extensions, and support for NLog and log4net
- Provides monitoring extensions, and support for Windows Performance Counters, and ElasticSearch
- Can be configured with a local memory bus for in-process service communication
- Being a library and not a framework allows you to compose your application as you see fit
Getting Started
All packages can be downloaded from NuGet.org
Choose a message transport
install-package Obvs.ActiveMQ
Choose a serialization format
install-package Obvs.Serialization.Json
Define a root message type to identify messages as belonging to your service:
public interface ITestServiceMessage : IMessage { }
Create command/event/request/response message types:
public class TestCommand : ITestServiceMessage, ICommand { }
public class TestEvent : ITestServiceMessage, IEvent { }
public class TestRequest: ITestServiceMessage, IRequest { }
public class TestResponse : ITestServiceMessage, IResponse { }
Create your service bus:
IServiceBus serviceBus = ServiceBus.Configure()
Send commands:
serviceBus.Commands.Subscribe(c => Console.WriteLine("Received a command!"));
serviceBus.SendAsync(new TestCommand())
Publish events:
serviceBus.Events.Subscribe(e => Console.WriteLine("Received an event!"));
serviceBus.PublishAsync(new TestEvent())
.Subscribe(request => serviceBus.ReplyAsync(request, new TestResponse()));
serviceBus.GetResponses(new TestRequest())
.Subscribe(r => Console.WriteLine("Received a response!"), err => Console.WriteLine("Oh no!"));
Define custom endpoints that can wrap API calls or integrations with other systems:
public class MyCustomEndpoint : IServiceEndpointClient
Type _serviceType = typeof(IMyCustomServiceMessage);
public IObservable<IEvent> Events
// subscribe to external MQ broker
public void Send(ICommand command)
// call external API
public IObservable<IResponse> GetResponses(IRequest request)
// call external API and wrap response in observable
public bool CanHandle(IMessage message)
return _serviceType.IsInstanceOfType(message);
IServiceBus serviceBus = ServiceBus.Configure()
.WithEndpoints(new MyCustomEndpoint())
What's coming?
More transports and extensions.